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Why You Should Get Virtual Care Over the Holidays

Why You Should Get Virtual Care Over the Holidays

The holiday season comes with both good and bad. While it can be enjoyable in many ways, it can also be stressful and overwhelming. Especially for people with mental health and substance use troubles, the holidays can exacerbate symptoms or leave them feeling triggered. Instead of trying to survive the holiday season on your own, you can get professional help without ever leaving your home.

The Benefits of Using Virtual Care Services During the Holidays

Whether the holiday season is taking a toll on your mental health or you are struggling in addiction recovery to stay on track, getting virtual care over the holidays what you need.

Don’t Miss Out

The holidays are often filled with festivities and traditions that you may look forward to every year. If you are looking for help for your drinking or drug use, residential treatment requires you to stay at a facility that could be far from home and will have you missing out on these events. Similarly, with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it may be hard to commit to an outpatient program. Online addiction treatment during the holiday season allows you to work care into your busy holiday schedule.

Get Help from Anywhere

Along with being pressed for time, you may be traveling. Many people head home for the holidays to see family which makes it a lot harder to attend in-person treatment or meetings. Instead of choosing between your intensive outpatient therapy and seeing your family, virtual addiction or online mental health treatment over the holidays allows you to get help no matter where you are.

Stay Safe

With the coronavirus pandemic still at large, social distancing and staying at home is encouraged. Although many places are taking extra precautions to keep their patients safe, you may want to limit your exposure to others, especially if you are a high-risk individual. Virtual mental health or online addiction counseling over the holidays lets you keep your distance from others and decrease your potential exposure to the virus.

Added Support

This time of year can be especially stressful and triggering. For people with mental health or substance use troubles, the holidays may make matters worse. If you are in need of extra support, virtual care over the holidays could be the answer. You can get the help you need when you need it, so you can enjoy the holiday season. At Vertava Health, we want to help more people get the care they need. Our online mental health counseling and substance use care let you fit treatment into your busy schedule no matter what time of year.