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Picayune, MS

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Addiction Treatment In Picayune, MS

For patients with substance use disorders, entering a professional treatment program is the best way to recover. If you have one of these disorders, many different treatment programs are available to meet your needs.

Your treatment options include inpatient programs, outpatient programs, medication-assisted treatment, and more, allowing you to find the perfect program for you.

Picayune Area Drug Detox Programs

Alcohol and drug detox programs are designed to lessen the symptoms you experience during drug or alcohol withdrawal, as well as to prevent any complications.

As withdrawal is one of the most difficult phases of the recovery process, these programs can be invaluable. In most cases, detox programs include both medication and medical support.

Inpatient Treatment Near Picayune

Inpatient treatment programs are residential in nature, which means that you’ll live in the treatment center while you recover. An inpatient program is the most intensive treatment option available to patients.

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Most inpatient facilities are designed to resemble a home so you can feel comfortable and safe during the program. A variety of therapeutic approaches may be used in inpatient treatment, so be sure to investigate thoroughly before you enroll in an inpatient treatment program.

Outpatient Treatment In Picayune

If inpatient treatment isn’t an appropriate solution for you, or if you have finished an inpatient treatment program but need continued support, outpatient treatment may be the best choice.

Like inpatient treatment programs, outpatient treatment varies with regard to the way they approach treatment. However, they are typically more flexible, allowing you to leave the treatment center between sessions and live life as normally as possible.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

A medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program is a program that focuses on providing prescription medications to patients working to overcome addiction.

In most cases, these programs combine the use of medication with other treatments, such as behavioral therapy, in order to improve outcomes. You may be able to enroll in a MAT program if you have an addiction to opioids or alcohol.

Aftercare And Alumni Services

After you complete your addiction treatment program and rejoin society, you’ll face stress and other triggers that may tempt you to return to drugs.

According to research studies, participating in ongoing care services, such as support group meetings, may reduce your risk of relapse after addiction treatment. The best rehab programs will offer aftercare and alumni services designed for this purpose.

Length Of Addiction Treatment

The length of an addiction treatment program varies based on a variety of factors and may be as short as a few weeks or longer than a year. Longer programs tend to be more effective than shorter ones, so never leave rehab before you feel ready to rejoin society.

How To Pay For Treatment

When it comes to paying for addiction treatment services, some of the most common methods of payment used include health insurance reimbursements, cash payments, and credit. However, if a combination of these resources won’t cover your entire bill, you must look for alternatives.

If your income and assets are limited, public assistance may be available to help with your expenses. Some patients also use crowdsourcing to raise money to make up the difference.

Substance Use Trends In Picayune And Pearl River County, Mississippi

The data published about drug use in Pearl River County make it clear that the problem in this area is severe. As a result, it is likely that many residents need professional treatment.

Take a look at some local facts:

  • From 2011 to 2017, 101 people died of a drug overdose in Pearl River County.
  • The average annual drug overdose rate in Pearl River County for these years is 26.2 per 100,000 residents.
  • Pearl River County has the highest drug overdose mortality rate in the state.

Get Started Today

Picayune is approximately five hours from its nearest Vertava Health treatment center: Vertava Health Mississippi. Our facility offers holistic addiction treatment, focusing on treating each patient’s mind, body, and spirit.

All treatment programs at our facility are customized to meet the needs of the patient. Treatment is available for patients with a dual diagnosis, as well.

To learn more about our facility in Southaven, contact us today.