Reflect on the many messes which are present in our communities and homes across America (and the world, for that matter) and at the root of it all, you will find yourself staring in the face of our greatest enemy: drug and alcohol addiction. Crime rates, immorality, promiscuity, and broken homes are all declining statistics at the hands of chemical dependency. This growing problem has smothered some of our brightest stars, permeated our schools and playgrounds and cut short the potential of our children and our own future. In recent years, you have probably heard of addiction being referred to as a disease. And in this day and age, what disease do you know of (aside from Polio) which is curable? Thus, in the eyes of this philosophy, a person who takes drugs and alcohol is not accountable or responsible for his actions and the effects they have had on others. Instead, many traditional rehab facilities have dumped the responsibility-based programs and have adopted the use of the Medical Model or Replacement Drug Therapy; this employs the use of a prescription drug to wipe away months’ and years’ worth of drug and alcohol use and their underlying issues. The treatment of all of these things is compressed into a pill for the achievement of a more “manageable” addiction. Sounds great, right? Wrong. The primary complaint with the Medical Model of treatment is that within a few weeks, the prescription drug becomes habit-forming, and the individual is back to square one. The other chief complaint is that chemical dependency is not actually resolved. It is, essentially, replacement drug therapy. [inline_cta_two] Drug and alcohol treatment should be long-term, individualized and comprehensive–addressing every facet and angle of the addiction. How and why did it begin? How do we break the cycle of addiction and relapse, and line a person up for a drug-free life? The first steps to this lie in understanding the biophysical effects that drugs and alcohol have on the body. Alcoholics and drug addicts are physically (and socially, mentally, etc.) dependent on the substance they are abusing. The primary dependency to address first is the physical addiction. The body has built up a tolerance to the substance being used (heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, alcohol, etc.) so that increased amounts of the drug are needed in order to produce a “high.” And when the individual stops using the substance, withdrawal symptoms set in. A physical addiction is best handled with biophysical rehab, which incorporates a holistic approach to healing the body. Bear in mind that drug and alcohol (which are all toxic chemical substances) take an enormous toll on the body. This alone can wreak havoc on the mind. A well-rounded program based on these philosophies will clean out the body and provide a literal fresh start toward sobriety. Partnered with the appropriate Cognitive Therapy and Life Skills Tools, Biophysical Rehab has the highest rate of success in the rehab field today.
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