Addiction Treatment In Yazoo City, MS
Addiction is a chronic illness that impacts the brain. These permanent changes to the brain may be one reason why those who are suffering from an addiction disorder relapse.
There are several options for the treatment of this disease, so most people can find one that works for them. When shopping for a substance use facility, look for one that offers not only individualized care programs but aftercare services as well.
Drug Detox Programs Near Yazoo City
Detox occurs after you stop using a drug. The body builds up a dependence on the chemical substance. When the drug disappears, it must adjust, and that comes with severe and uncomfortable side effects.
A managed detox program, whether it’s inpatient or outpatient, allows you to get support during this time to make the withdrawal process easier and safer.
Inpatient Treatment Near
Inpatient treatment sometimes referred to as residential care, means you live in a facility with 24-hour a day supervision and therapy. Most facilities will provide both individual and group sessions, along with drug education.
You may also enjoy recreational activities and luxury amenities while a resident in a rehab center. For example, they may offer nutrition and cooking classes, days at the gym, and yoga as part of a holistic treatment plan.
Outpatient Treatment Near Yazoo City
Unlike residential services, an outpatient program requires that you live at home with family or in a sober living community. It’s an approach that offers you more flexibility and may allow you to hold a job or go to school while in rehab.
Although outpatient treatment comes at different levels, many of the therapeutic approaches are similar to inpatient care. However, outpatient treatment requires you to have a reliable support system to make it work.
Aftercare And Alumni Services
Aftercare and alumni services support you once you complete a primary care treatment program. The goal is to minimize your risk of relapse by providing you with the help you need to get back on your feet. Aftercare can cover everything from employment to sober living.
Length Of Addiction Treatment
Addiction is a complex disease that affects each person differently. As a result, treatment lengths will vary.
You will likely find programs that run:
- 14 to 28 days
- 30 days
- 60 days
- 90 to 120 days
- one year or longer
How To Pay For Treatment
Financial help can come from several sources. Your health insurance, for example, may cover substance use treatment as one of the essential services. You can also discuss financing with the care facility. They may have a program that allows you to make payments.
Substance Use Trends In Yazoo City And Yazoo County, Mississippi
Yazoo City sits in Yazoo County, Mississippi, and both areas are seeing an upsurge in drug use.
Consider some drug use facts from this part of the state:
- From 2012 to 2017, 7.2 percent of all prescriptions issued were for high-dose opioids. The overall prescription rate of opioids went down during this period, but the high-dose rates increased.
- From 2011 to 2017, Yazoo County saw 22 confirmed drug-related deaths. That is a rate of 11.3 deaths per 100.000 residents.
Get Started Today
Vertava Health , in Southaven, Mississippi, is about a two-and-a-half-hour drive from Yazoo city. It is a multi-level care facility for adults struggling with both substance use and mental health disorders. We are fully accredited and offer a holistic approach to healing.
Our programs include innovative and clinically proven approaches, including behavioral therapy and peer support. We also offer alternative options like pet or art therapy.
To learn more about our facility, contact us today.