Addiction Treatment In Vicksburg, Mississippi
When you choose a drug or alcohol treatment program, it’s important to find one that offers individualized care. These programs typically do an assessment or evaluation of your condition, which helps determine your level of care and the kinds of services you’ll need.
For example, you might be better off with a program that offers co-occurring treatment if you have other mental health problems or a gender-specific program that includes parenting classes.
Detox Programs Near Vicksburg
Keep in mind that after you stop drinking or using drugs, you’ll be going through a period of withdrawal from these substances. Your body can undergo severe symptoms at this time, so it’s crucial to have professional support.
Detox programs give you a safe way to deal with the withdrawal phase. These programs often include medical supervision or monitoring for your safety and well-being.
Inpatient Addiction Treatment Near Vicksburg
When you have a severe addiction to drugs or alcohol, you should explore your options for inpatient care. With this kind of program, you’ll have a secure facility to stay in with 24-hour supervision. Professionals and peers will be around to offer support and treatment.
Your schedule might include behavioral therapy, relapse prevention, life skills training, and stress reduction. Activities and amenities you might have available can include fitness centers, swimming pools, or yoga classes.
Outpatient Treatment In Vicksburg
When your substance use disorder is a more moderate one rather than a severe one, you might do better with an outpatient treatment program. This kind of rehab program includes individual and group therapy with licensed professionals.
You don’t need to stay at a facility for this kind of care. You only have to go to a facility a few times or multiple times per week depending on how much care you need. Various levels of care are available, such as intensive outpatient care, day treatment, and traditional outpatient care.
Aftercare And Alumni Services
Finishing a drug or alcohol treatment program isn’t the end of your journey toward recovery. You’ll likely need some level of support, which you can get through aftercare and alumni services.
Although facilities offer different kinds of aftercare and alumni services, a few examples include employment assistance, sober-living housing, peer support services, recovery coaching, and 12-step programs.
Length Of Treatment Near Vicksburg
The length of time you’ll be in an addiction program can vary considerably. Some places offer shorter programs, such as ones that last for 30 days.
Other places have programs that last for several months or a year. Longer program lengths often have improved results compared to shorter ones.
How To Pay For Treatment
If you have a private health insurance plan, you should be able to use it for payment. Some plans offer partial or full coverage, so check your policy details to determine how much is covered.
If you do not have an insurance plan, you can look for rehab places that take a Medicaid or Medicare plan for payment. Other places allow you to set up a payment plan or use sliding fee scales to cover these expenses.
Substance Use Trends In Vicksburg And Warren County, Mississippi
Warren County has had issues involving alcohol and drug use during the past few years, including excessive drinking. Facts from Warren County include:
- Warren County had a rate of 105.9 opioid prescriptions rate per 100 residents in 2016.
- Twelve percent of adults in Warren County admitted to excessive drinking in 2016.
- Warren County had no opioid overdose fatalities in 2017, but naloxone for opioid overdoses was used by EMS a total of 38 times that year.
- In 2017, Warren County had a total of 167 reported drug-related arrests.
Help is Available
Vertava Health Mississippi, now Vertava Health Mississippi which is around 215 miles from Vicksburg, offers inpatient and outpatient care in Surry, as well as other types of programs.
For more information, contact us today.