Addiction Treatment In Starkville, MS
When you choose an addiction treatment program, make sure that it offers individualized care. With this kind of approach, you’ll have a better chance of successfully overcoming addiction.
Individualized treatment programs ensure that you receive appropriate services at the appropriate level of care. For example, programs that offer gender-specific care might include trauma-based therapy, parenting classes, or anger management.
Detox Programs Near Starkville
You might not enter into a drug or alcohol addiction treatment program right away. In fact, going through a detox program first helps ensure that you’re physically and emotionally ready to begin treatment.
This type of program provides a safe place for you to get through withdrawal from alcohol or drugs. Since this process can cause severe symptoms, it’s important that you have medical supervision during this time.
Inpatient Treatment Near Starkville
Inpatient treatment is meant to help you if you have a more severe form of addiction and you don’t have much support at home. These programs give you support and safety with 24-hour supervision and help from a wide range of individuals, including both peers and professionals.
With an inpatient treatment program, you’ll have a schedule that is likely to include different approaches to recovery and offer several kinds of services, such as art therapy, behavioral therapy, and mindfulness practices, and other stress-reduction services.
Outpatient Treatment In Starkville
Outpatient treatment programs might be the right choice for recovery if you have support at home and a less severe addiction to alcohol or drugs.
During this kind of treatment program, you’ll visit a rehab center to participate in group therapy or individual counseling sessions. There are a few different outpatient care levels available, such as traditional outpatient programs, intensive outpatient programs, and day treatment or PHPs.
Aftercare And Alumni Services
Aftercare and alumni services play a crucial role in your overall recovery process. These services provide you with a source of ongoing support, such as access to sober living housing or peer support. While these services vary, some might include education assistance, employment assistance, community resources, or 12-Step programs.
Length Of Addiction Treatment
Treatment lengths for addiction can range widely depending on what each facility offers and other factors, such as the severity of your condition.
These programs can range from 30 days to more than one year. Other treatment lengths that are often available include 90 days or six months.
How To Pay For Treatment
When you need to cover the cost of addiction treatment, you have different payment options available. Many people end up using their private insurance plan to cover at least some of the costs of addiction treatment.
Other ways to pay for addiction treatment include going to a facility that takes Medicare or Medicaid plans or finding a facility that offers a sliding-fee scale. You might also be able to arrange a customized payment plan with the rehab center.
Substance Use Trends In Starkville And Oktibbeha County, Mississippi
Oktibbeha County has had some problems with opioids and alcohol use over the past few years, including overdoses.
Facts From Oktibbeha County include:
- Oktibbeha County had a rate of 74.1 opioid prescriptions per 100 individuals in 2016.
- Roughly 15 percent of Oktibbeha County residents reported excessive drinking in 2016.
- In 2017, Oktibbeha County did not have an opioid overdose fatality. However, EMS administered naloxone eight times for opioid overdoses.
- Oktibbeha County had a total of 48 drug-related arrests occur in 2017.
The Nearest Vertava Health Treatment Center
Vertava Health Mississippi, located roughly 165 miles from Starkville, offers different care levels for addiction treatment in Southaven. At our campus, you can take part in swimming, hiking, yoga, and other recreational activities as part of your recovery.
We also have many other services for treatment, including dual diagnosis programs, pet therapy, different forms of behavioral therapy, and art therapy.
Contact us today to learn more.