Addiction Treatment In Senatobia, MS
Addiction treatment plans vary based on the patient and the circumstances. The severity of the condition and environmental factors have to be taken into account.
Treatments available for substance use disorder include:
- detox centers
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
- inpatient care
- outpatient care
- alumni services and aftercare
Detox Programs Near Senatobia
The body can take days or weeks to functionally detoxify, flushing harmful levels of substances out of your system. Some detox symptoms, like delirium tremens, can be hazardous and must be monitored by a medical professional.
Cravings and dependencies have a physical component, making it hard to quit “cold turkey” without supervision and medications to make you comfortable. Checking into a detox center gets you the comfort and supervision you need to safely come down and prepare for treatment.
Inpatient Treatment Near Senatobia
If the disorder is advanced or if your home, workplace, or social environments make it hard to say sober, checking into an inpatient treatment program may be the best option.
Under the supervision of addiction specialists in a supportive environment surrounded by peers, you can lay the groundwork for recovery through group and individual behavioral therapy in an invigorating environment.
Outpatient Treatment In Senatobia
If your living environment supports recovery, outpatient treatment may be an option either after or in place of inpatient care. However, the therapy you experience in outpatient treatment may be just as intensive as inpatient treatment.
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) consists of prescribed medications that aid in the recovery process. Opioid blockers like methadone, naltrexone, and buprenorphine help control cravings for opioids like heroin, fentanyl, and oxycodone, and may even help with cravings for alcohol.
MAT is also included behavioral therapy, counseling, and peer support.
Aftercare And Alumni Services
Recovery never really ends. There is no safe amount of a drug or other substance for a person who suffers from addiction. However, long-term sobriety and healthy, productive life are very possible with access to long-term aftercare and alumni services.
Aftercare group therapy, individual therapy, sober-living arrangements, and twelve-step programs can help you maintain your sobriety long-term.
Length Of Addiction Treatment
Since every treatment plan varies, the length of time spent at each milestone will vary as well. Detox lasts a few days to a week. Inpatient treatment programs run anywhere from 30 to 90 days.
Outpatient treatment programs may last a few months or a few years. Alumni recovery services are ongoing, accessible to you for a lifetime.
How To Pay For Treatment
Consult your health insurance provider about what assistance is available for addiction treatment services. Many plans cover some or all treatment costs. Medicaid may also provide assistance in some states. Make sure to check all of your state’s Medicaid plans.
If private or public insurance does not cover treatment, help is still available. Many foundations have grant funds to fight addiction, along with charities and governmental organizations.
Substance Use Trends In Senatobia And Tate County, Mississippi
Tate County was second in the state in naloxone administrations per one-thousand residents at 1.34.
Additionally, Tate County suffered:
- seven suspected overdose deaths.
- 198 drug-related arrests.
Statewide, Mississippi is in the grips of a serious opioid epidemic. Overdose fatalities increased from less than 80 in 2011 to over 180 in 2017.
Get Started Today
Less than 28 miles from Senatobia in the Memphis Metro, Vertava Health Mississippi, formerly Vertava Health Mississippi Rehab takes a cutting-edge holistic approach to recovery, treating cravings and dependencies with a combination of mind and body therapies.
In cooperation with peers, you’ll experience the benefits of group therapy, art therapy, pet therapy, life coaching, expressive therapy, exercise, and skills training in family, work and finance, mental health, and spirituality.
For more information, contact us today.