Addiction Treatment In Quitman, MS
If you want help to stop using alcohol or drugs and live in Quitman, you have outpatient treatment within your community.
Other services are located in Meridian, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and detox services. You can find additional programs in other parts of Mississippi, including residential rehab centers and transitional housing.
Quitman Area Detox Programs
You need to detox from drugs and/or alcohol if you’ve built up physical dependency. Detoxing from alcohol and/or drugs can be uncomfortable and potentially risky.
Medically supervised detox can help you overcome withdrawal safely and with as little discomfort as possible. Trying to detox on your own (cold turkey) can come with health risks.
Inpatient Treatment Near Quitman
Residential or inpatient drug/alcohol treatment offers a secure, substance-free environment along with 24-hour emotional, physical, and psychological support.
Residential substance use disorder treatment offers a holistic treatment program that includes peer group support and evidence-based group and individual counseling.
You can also participate in activities that can build your confidence in living drug- and alcohol-free, including yoga therapy, wilderness experiences, and music and art therapy.
Outpatient Treatment In Quitman
Outpatient treatment programs can be either intensive (IOP) or less-intensive (OP). They usually last between 10 and 16 weeks. Intensive outpatient programs meet three or more days a week.
You will receive group and individual therapy in most outpatient programs. Outpatient programs also offer education in substance use disorders and sober living skills. They can also include organized peer group support, including 12-step groups.
Aftercare & Alumni Services
If you’ve completed rehab, you will probably be ready to embark on the rest of your life as a sober person. You will also want to keep building your recovery day by day.
This is where aftercare and alumni programs can come. Whether you want to stay in touch with people you formed a bond within rehab or you want to continue to participate in therapy or peer group support, alumni and aftercare programs can help.
Length Of Addiction Treatment
Your treatment for substance use should be tailored for your individual needs.
Substance use disorder treatment programs fall into some common lengths, including:
- 30-day programs
- 60-day programs
- 90-day programs
- 120-day programs
How To Pay For Treatment
In Mississippi, most drug and alcohol treatment programs will accept payments from major health insurance companies. Programs may also accept payment from military insurance (Tricare) and private-pay clients.
If you need to pay privately for drug and alcohol rehab, you may be able to get scholarship help, a discount, or a sliding fee scale.
Substance Use Trends In Quitman And Clarke County, Mississippi
In July 2019, two people living just outside Quitman town limits were arrested on charges of selling methamphetamine and possession of marijuana according to WTOK-11.
Other facts from Clarke County include:
- Clarke County’s district was ranked fourth out of the state’s districts in the number of times emergency responders had to administer the life-saving overdose reversal drug naloxone between April and June 2019.
- Clarke County is ranked 53rd out of Mississippi’s 81 counties for overall health by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s 2019 County Health Rankings database.
- 12 percent of Clarke county residents engaged in binge drinking in 2018 according to the 2019 County Health Rankings database.
Get Started Today
Vertava Health Mississippi, formerly Vertava Health Mississippi located about four hours north of Quitman in Southaven, MS. Our holistic drug and alcohol services include detox and short-term residential rehab services to longer-term programs and aftercare support.
Our program is dedicated to your physical, emotional, and spiritual healing so you can build a lasting recovery from substance use.
For more information on our facility, contact us today.