Addiction Treatment In Meridian, MS
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), treatment for substance use disorders should be based on your individual needs. If you need detox services in Meridian, help is available within the community.
You can also locate long-term treatment, transitional housing, and regular and intensive outpatient treatment in Meridian. You may need to travel to other regions in Mississippi to find residential treatment that meets your individual needs.
Detox Programs Near Meridian
Withdrawing from drugs and/or alcohol can be painful and potentially dangerous. Symptoms of withdrawal can include nausea, vomiting, fever, and body aches and pains.
Medical supervision can help to reduce discomfort and increase safety. Medically-supervised detox can occur in a residential setting or as ambulatory detox with supervision.
Inpatient Addiction Treatment Near Meridian
Inpatient drug and alcohol treatment offers a drug-free and safe environment 24 hours a day. It combines evidence-based treatment with sober-living education. You can also participate in activities that will increase your confidence and coping skills.
Everyone is an individual and residential treatment can respond effectively to addiction and recovery needs along with physical and mental health. Residential treatment should build a serene, peaceful therapeutic community that will give you the chance to heal.
Continued Care In Meridian
Outpatient treatment can be more or less intensive depending on your needs. Outpatient treatment may last 10 to 12 weeks. Some structured programs may last as long as 16 weeks.
You’ll attend outpatient treatment in the community. Outpatient treatment can be a good fit for you if you have a sober-living environment and support for your recovery efforts at home.
Aftercare And Alumni Services
You’ve gained valuable sobriety skills in residential and outpatient treatment. Your continued health and recovery don’t end there.
Aftercare programs are an important part of ongoing health and recovery. Look for aftercare programs that meet your needs for emotional support and help to avoid or deal with relapse.
Length Of Addiction Treatment
Residential addiction treatment can start at four weeks and extend to six months or a year or longer.
Some program lengths include:
- 30-day rehab programs
- 60-day rehab programs
- 90-day rehab programs
- 120-day rehab programs
Your treatment plan should respond to your individual needs, including your history of treatment and substance use.
How To Pay For Treatment
Most treatment programs in Mississippi accept private health insurance plans. They also accept Medicare, Medicare supplemental insurance, and state Medicaid funding. You’ll also find programs that accept military insurance (Tricare).
Some programs provide treatment free of charge using government grants. Others offer sliding fee scales based on your ability to pay. You can also investigate crowdfunding platforms.
Substance Use Trends In Meridian And Lauderdale County, Mississippi
During the second quarter of 2019, emergency responders in Lauderdale County administered 19 doses of naloxone to reverse opioid overdoses.
Other facts from Lauderdale County include:
- 88 people were arrested for drug violations in Lauderdale County during the second quarter of 2019.
- 35 people died of drug overdoses in Lauderdale County in 2017, according to the Mississippi State Department of Health.
- In 2013, Mississippi ranked third in U.S. states for excessive drinking. 13.8 percent of the people in Mississippi engaged in binge drinking in 2018.
Start Recovery Now
Vertava Health Mississippi is about three-and-a-half hours north of Meridian in Southaven, Mississippi. We provide holistic care for drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation. Our program offers evidence-based therapy combined with education and a supportive and caring environment.
Our accredited programs treat you as a whole person. We provide 24-hour care in a serene, healing facility that is optimal for you to begin your journey to a sober, healthy life.
To learn more, contact Vertava Health today.