Addiction Treatment In Horn Lake, MS
Addiction is not a one-size-fits-all process. You’ll find that you need an approach that is unique to your needs. This complex disease will affect you differently than the next person, and treatment programs should be tailored to your needs and stage of the recovery process.
Whether you’re starting with detox or have already completed some therapy and need the benefit of outpatient support, you’ll find a program in Mississippi to match your situation.
Horn Lake Area Detox Programs
Recovering from addiction starts with a detox program. Whether you’re in an inpatient center or a clinical detox facility, a detox program will offer medical supervision and support as you withdraw from drugs or alcohol.
Some detox programs are outpatient in nature, but the goal is to give you a safe, supervised place to detox and prepare for addiction treatment.
Residential Treatment Near Horn Lake
Inpatient or residential treatment is the most intensive step in the treatment process. In a residential or inpatient program, you receive 24-hour support and therapy during your stay.
Your treatment center will use a combination of evidence-based therapy practices, peer support programs, and experiential therapy. The intense structure and constant supervision of an inpatient treatment program make it effective for avoiding relapse and building support for recovery.
Outpatient Treatment In Horn Lake
Often community-based, outpatient rehab programs provide flexibility and freedom to continue with your home and work responsibilities while in therapy.
Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) meet for a minimum of 9 hours per week. Regular outpatient programs meet less frequently. Both are a good fit if you have strong support at home or have completed residential treatment and are ready for the next step.
Aftercare & Alumni Services
Relapse is always a risk because of the chronic nature of addiction. Even those who are in long-term recovery can benefit from continued support, and aftercare and alumni services provide that.
Through community-based supports or regular peer meetings, many addiction treatment programs add support for their graduates that can last a lifetime.
Length Of Treatment Near Horn Lake
Short-term addiction treatment programs last a few weeks and long-term programs last six months or longer. In general, a long-term program is going to be the most effective. You will find a range of treatment lengths all based on the philosophy of the treatment center you choose.
How To Pay For Treatment
Health insurance is typically able to cover most of your addiction treatment.
If you’re insured, you can likely turn to your insurance to help with:
- residential treatment
- treatment for women and mothers
- gender-specific programming
- outpatient therapy
- medication-assisted treatment
Substance Use Trends In Horn Lake And DeSoto County, Mississippi
Horn Lake has suffered much from the opioid crisis, as has the rest of DeSoto County.
Some of the concerning statistics include the number of overdose deaths and arrests related to drugs:
- In 2017, 20 people in DeSoto County died due to suspected overdose.
- That same year, 3,449 drug-related arrests occurred.
- That was a rate of 19.6 arrests per 1,000 residents.
- DeSoto County reported the highest number/rate of arrests in Mississippi in 2017.
The Nearest Vertava Health Treatment Center
Within just five minutes of Horn Lake is Vertava Health Mississippi. Our Southaven treatment facility uses behavioral therapies to address the problem of addiction using several evidence-based practices.
We offer a full continuum of care close to Horn Lake, including inpatient, outpatient, and aftercare services. We also provide family support for loved ones.
To get started with admissions, contact Vertava Health today.