Addiction Treatment In Clarksdale, MS
The disease of addiction makes long-term changes to the brain. This may be why a person who has maintained sobriety for decades is still at risk of relapse.
Families looking to find a treatment facility will want something with an immediate opening, even if that means they must travel. You also want a program that does an initial assessment and then builds an individual treatment plan around your needs.
Alcohol And Drug Detox Programs Near Clarksdale
Managed detox is often the first step in a comprehensive treatment strategy and occurs during the first few days of sobriety. This is when the body must adjust to no longer getting a drug. You may find you experience unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects as you detox.
A managed detox program means you don’t go through it alone. Inpatient care puts you in a hospital-like setting with 24-hour support. Outpatient detox allows you to travel to the facility to get medication to manage your symptoms.
Residential Treatment Near Clarksdale
Residential treatment, or inpatient care, means you live in the facility while in rehab. During this time, you’ll be part of a community with others also working towards recovery.
Inpatient services involve individual counseling and evidenced-based programs like cognitive behavioral therapy. You will also take part in peer support groups with other residents. Many provide holistic care that includes relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.
Outpatient Treatment In Clarksdale
Outpatient services provide you with more flexibility. You can live with family or friends as you go through treatment and travel to the facility for individual and group therapy. Outpatient care is not right for everyone and requires a strong support system at home.
The levels of outpatient treatment vary. Basic focuses on peer groups and drug education. Intensive outpatient therapy is similar to an inpatient program but you don’t live in the facility.
Aftercare & Alumni Services
Aftercare and alumni services support you once you leave rehab. During this time you must transition back into your life.
Aftercare works with you to make sure you have the resources necessary to succeed. They might help you find transitional housing, for example. They might provide a sobriety sponsor for you or help you find work.
Length Of Addiction Treatment
No two people experience treatment the same way, so program lengths vary. Some programs last under 30 days. Other programs can last 60 to 120 days. Experts recommend that 90-day treatment programs offer you the best chances of a lasting recovery.
How To Pay For Treatment
Any payment strategy for substance use treatment begins with the health insurance provider. Most are mandated to offer this benefit but they may require you to pay a copayment or coinsurance fee.
If you don’t have insurance, consider sitting down with someone from the treatment facility to discuss payment options. They may offer monthly payment programs or have access to other funding sources.
Substance Use Trends In Clarksdale And Coahoma County, Mississippi
Clarksdale and Coahoma County do face some drug problems but less than many other areas of the state.
Consider some statistics about drug use in this region of Mississippi:
- In 2014, Coahoma County had two suspected drug overdose deaths. Compare that to other counties like Harrison with 38 or Hinds with 30.
- In 2017, EMS Coahoma County administered Naloxone just 13 times.
Get Started Today
Vertava Health has a residential treatment center in Southaven, Mississippi, which is about five hours from Clarksdale. Vertava Health Mississippi offers lifelong support to its clients.
We provide research-proven treatment options including MAT along with individual counseling
and a holistic approach to treatment. We work to heal the whole person instead of just treating the disease. It’s a philosophy that adds balance to your life.
To learn more, contact Vertava Health today.