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Klonopin Detection Time – How Long Does Clonazepam Stay In Your System?

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The amount of time Klonopin is detachable in someone’s system depends on the type of test (blood, hair, or urine), as well as additional factors.

How Long Does Klonopin Stay in Your System?

How long does Klonopin stay in your system after the effects wear off? As a long-acting benzo, Klonopin can build up in the bloodstream and take much longer to leave the body.

Klonopin can stay in your system between five to 14 days, depending on your age, metabolic health, and tolerance for the drug.

The half-life, or elimination time of Klonopin, can vary significantly from one individual to another. Once someone has processed Klonopin by five to seven half-lives, it should be wholly removed from an individual’s system.

How Is Klonopin Metabolized?

The liver is the main organ responsible for the metabolization, although some clonazepam is excreted in the urine. When the body metabolizes Klonopin, it is broken down into metabolites.

The primary active metabolite is 7-amioclozaepam, and can also be detected during drug testing to determine Klonopin use. This metabolite may remain detectable even at Klonopin has been eliminated from the body.

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Factors That Affect Klonopin Duration And Elimination

How quickly Klonopin is removed from the body depends on several different factors, including:

  • age
  • health
  • body mass index (BMI)
  • dosage
  • frequency and duration of use
  • taking additional medications
  • liver function


Generally speaking, the younger someone is, the more quickly they will process Klonopin. This may be due to having a faster metabolism and overall better health than older people.

However, depending on the overall health of an individual, age may not matter as much as other factors.


Being healthy and having healthy organ function means that the body is more capable of removing Klonopin from its systems. Compared to unhealthy individuals, who will likely suffer from slower metabolisms and less efficient organ processes.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Those with higher BMI’s, or higher percent of body fat, may process Klonopin at a slower rate because of the drugs fat solubility.

The more fat someone has, the more likely Klonopin and its metabolites will stick to those fat cells while being metabolized.


A large dose of Klonopin will take more time to eliminate than a smaller dose. The more Klonopin in the body at one time, the longer the drug will remain detractable in someone’s system.

Frequency and Duration of Use

With constant use, Klonopin can build up in the body. The longer someone takes this drug, the more likely they are to develop a tolerance to it, which can increase how often they take the medication to achieve the same effects.

Both frequency and duration of use can increase the amount of time it takes to remove Klonopin.

Taking Additional Medications

Taking more than one medication at once can slow down the liver because it has to process more than one substance at the same time. When the body is working to process more than one substance at a time, Klonopin may stay in someone’s system longer than if it was taken alone.

Liver Function

Because the liver is the main organ responsible for breaking down Klonopin, how well it is or is not functioning can play a significant role in how long Klonopin will stay in the body.

*These are just some of the factors that may influence the amount of time it takes someone to eliminate Klonopin. Some factors may be more influential than others depending on the individual and their unique circumstances.

Klonopin And Hair, Blood, Saliva, And Urine Drug Testing

Klonopin (Clonazepam) is a potent benzo that can easily be detected by various drug tests.

How long can Klonopin (Clonazepam) stay in urine, blood, saliva, and hair?

The detection time for Klonopin in blood, saliva, and urine is between five to six days after consumption.

Hair tests, on the other hand, tend to have longer detection times and may detect benzodiazepines for up to four months after the last dose.

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Finding Treatment For Klonopin (Clonazepam) Addiction

Taking too much Klonopin can be considered use, and where there is substance use, treatment is often necessary if not required. Abusing benzodiazepines can lead to health issues and raise the risk of overdose, dependence, and addiction.

The most effective treatment program combines evidence-based therapies and individualized care to improve individuals’ health as a whole. By addressing physical, mental, and spiritual health concerns, individuals are more likely to have extended recovery times.

To learn more about Klonopin detection times and addiction treatment, contact a specialist at Vertava Health today.