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Detoxing Your Life From Addiction

Detoxing Your Life From Addiction

Addiction reaches every aspect of a person’s life – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It affects family, friends, neighbors, co-workers. No one is left untouched by this disease. Vertava Health’ focus in the month of March, turns to a five-part series with an esteemed author and colleague, Dr. Jason Brooks, who will share insight on detoxing the mind, the body, the spirit, the family and life. Whether you or a loved one are overcoming addiction or other past traumas, Dr. Jason Brooks will show you how to “Begin, Again.”

Recognized as one of the most prominent emerging voices in personal and organizational transformation, Dr. Jason Brooks is also likely to be one of the most authentic, transparent and “real”. Viewed by many as the “youth pastor of personal growth and success”, his life mission of “bringing hope, healing, and inspiration to everyone he meets and leading on the journey for change, growth, and success” provides the foundation and focus where his purpose and passion are fully unleashed.

As a bestselling author, inspirational speaker, and Chief People Officer of Vertava Health, Dr. Jason brings a heart for helping others to achieve their greatest potential and  success…one step at a time.

Detoxing the Life

Detox is never easy…but it is necessary for many who are struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. The choke-hold that substances like painkillers or heroin take in their life can be overwhelming. As a result, radical steps are needed to reset.

When we think of detox, we think of the process of ridding the body of toxins. For the person breaking free from addiction, this is an important step. But, it’s even more important to understand that what’s really needed is a life detox.

We are, “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). While this is an awesome part of who we are, it also brings challenges because life change is never easy. There are often anchors to the past that are lurking to pull us back if we’re not aware and careful. You have to be diligent in every area of life as you are beginning the journey of a life of freedom from addiction. In my experience, detoxification is really focused on being intentional about every aspect of life and creating a life of balance. If one area is out of balance, others will compensate to try to make you “feel better”…and this is often a trigger for relapse.

As I have helped coaching and counseling clients in the past, it has become clear to me that to create a balanced life worth living requires focus in all areas. The following are the seven aspects of life balance and a “life detox”:

Detox your heart…You are unique and special. You must become fully connected to your feelings, attitudes, and self-awareness. If you have anger…detox it. If you have shame…detox it. If you have guilt…detox it. If you have self-image issues…realize that you are loved and detox those thoughts and feelings. By not addressing these heart issues, you’re leaving a cancer in your life that could later bring you back to your addiction.

Detox your faith…Faith is very important to me and I believe that at the core we are all spiritual beings having a physical experience. But even outside my personal beliefs, research has consistently shown that faith and a strong spiritual foundation focused on a relationship with God is essential for healthy spirituality. If you blame God for your troubles…detox it. If you resent Him for your strife…detox it. If you feel abandoned and rejected…detox it. You will never truly find freedom from addiction until you deal head on with the faith issue and put God in the proper place in your life.

Detox your relationships…We were made to do life together. But, when we put so much of ourselves on the relationships we have, we can be held captive to others. Some people are great to be around. But, there are also some people in your life that are toxic and need to be removed. Who are you still associating with that reminds you of your former self in addiction…detox them. Who is a negative influence…detox them. Who is continually tearing you down and not building you up…detox them.

Detox your body…I already talked about the chemical detox that often comes with rehab. But even beyond that specific goal, you need to start detoxing anything from your body that would bring you back to the addiction. If you are an unhealthy eater…detox it. If you avoid exercise like the plague…detox it. If you have let your physical health (including weight) get out of control…detox it. The focus you put on being physically healthy today will have lasting impact.

Detox your mind…We’ve all heard the quote by James Allen, “as a man thinks, so is he.” It’s true that often from our mind come our emotions, our actions, and ultimately, the results in our life. You must detox anything that is not positive, affirming, and encouraging from your thought life. Being intentional with your thoughts involved mindfulness, or being totally present in each moment. If you are constantly reliving the pain of the past…detox it. If you find yourself thinking about things that would hurt yourself or others…detox it. Do thoughts of your former self and your life of addiction come flooding back…detox it.

Detox your work…Working is a part of life. Regardless of what you “do”, there can be negative aspects that can be a pull for you back to your addiction. Are you unfulfilled in your career or job…detox it. Is what you are doing a reminder of the life of addiction you’ve left behind…detox it. Are you still working with people you used to drink and drug with…detox it. Now, I’m not advocating in all cases to walk in today and quit your job. But, I am saying that if your work is a source of pain for you, start taking steps today to make a change.

Creating a new life…a life of hope and freedom from addiction requires a clean sweep. You have to detox every area of your life and commit to keeping the toxins out. It’s a life change and focus on pushing the reset button in each of these areas to finally create a balanced life worth living today…and every day in the future.

Dr. Jason is an expert in leading life change. As a gifted speaker and life success coach, he is available to speak at your next conference event and would love to connect with you on social media on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Dr. Jason can be contacted through the public relations team at Vertava Health.