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Cocaine and Sex

Woman sits on couch pensively with her husband after experiencing negative effects of cocaine on sex

People who use cocaine often report an increased sex drive in addition to the more standard cocaine effects, such as euphoria, confidence, and increased energy. This strong desire for intimacy can lead to impulsiveness and poor decision-making. If you or a loved one are looking for cocaine rehab programs, contact Vertava Health at 844.470.0410 today.

Cocaine and Sex

Euphoria, heightened awareness, and increased sensory stimulation are just some of the reasons why people believe sex on cocaine is more pleasurable. Additionally, this drug often leads to increased energy and confidence. Coupled with an increased sex drive from cocaine use, a person is more likely to engage in sexual activity. Individuals who use cocaine have reported that sex on cocaine lasts longer and that orgasms are more intense. These positive symptoms tend to wear off as quickly as the effects, and there are a number of negative consequences associated with cocaine use and sex.

The Negative Consequence of Cocaine and Sex

There are some problems that may arise with sexual activity and cocaine use. Whether intentional or not, using cocaine during sexual activity can be dangerous.

Unsafe Sex And Cocaine

Impulsivity is an effect of cocaine, and in relation to sexual activity, research has shown that individuals on cocaine are less likely to use a condom than individuals who are not, unless the condom is immediately available. High levels of cocaine over a period of time may also result in a person being unable to satisfy sexual desire, which can lead to unsafe sexual activities, multiple partners over a short period of time, and hypersexuality. Cocaine has also been linked to increased replication of HIV in the blood.

Sexual Assault and Cocaine

Obtaining consent or assuming perceived consent can be a problem when a person is under the influence of cocaine. The impulsivity and sexual desire from cocaine use can cloud the judgment of the person seeking sexual activity. If both individuals are high on cocaine, engaging in sex can be deemed illegal in the eyes of the law. This is due to the fact that neither party can actually consent to sexual intercourse while on cocaine.

Rough Sex on Cocaine

Cocaine numbs the body and relieves pain. This can be dangerous when combined with sexual activity. A person may not even realize they are being too rough due to the analgesic nature of cocaine. Rough sex can increase the chances of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), especially if there is no condom (or it breaks), if any of the delicate membranes tear, and blood or other bodily fluids are present.

Sexual Dysfunction and Cocaine Use

While cocaine increases sex drive, it often results in sexual dysfunction. Many men find it difficult to get and maintain an erection, while women struggle with lubrication and achieving orgasm. This disconnect between desire and function during sex can lead to extreme frustration on one or both parties, and the individual may engage in aggressive behaviors they would not otherwise.

Cocaine Orgasm

A common notion is that cocaine helps orgasms. Many believe it will heighten and prolong them. Initially, this may be somewhat accurate, but orgasms on cocaine may be harder to come by for long-time users. Additionally, because cocaine is linked to erectile dysfunction and other sexual dysfunction in men and women, achieving orgasm may be nearly impossible. Overall, there are considerable risk factors associated with cocaine use and sex. Unwanted pregnancies, STIs, sexual assault, and legal problems are just some of the potential negative consequences of sex and cocaine.

Cocaine, Sex, and Women

Women who engage in sex high on cocaine are at risk for STIs, unsafe sex, and unwanted pregnancy. In some cases, cocaine causes infertility as well. Cocaine use can not only change a woman’s menstrual cycle but also can stop ovulation and damage the fallopian tubes. This can result in infertility. Even after a woman stops abusing this drug, permanent changes to hormones due to cocaine use can also result in problems with conception. Cocaine use during pregnancy can cause:

  • Seizures
  • Migraines
  • Premature birth
  • Placental abruption

Stillbirths and miscarriages occur at higher rates in women who use cocaine during pregnancy. Cocaine use in men has also been linked to lower sperm count as well as priapism, or prolonged erection. Both of these can result in issues with fertility and increase the need for medical care.

Getting Help for Cocaine Use at Vertava Health

If you or a loved one has been using cocaine during sex, it could be a sign of cocaine addiction. At Vertava Health, our medical detox program can help flush drugs like cocaine from the body safely if necessary. After, patients will enter treatment where they will learn about their own addiction and the steps necessary to maintain lasting sobriety. Sobriety is an achievable option, and we are available to offer assistance and guidance to individuals struggling with addiction. Contact us at 844.470.0410 to learn more about the dangers of cocaine and sex.